The untold story of geodesic domes
Geodetis domes are mostly associated with their eponymous American polyhistor, Richard Buckminster Fuller. The various occurences of the geodesic shapes since the antiquity and the history of geodesic domes has been summarized in [1,2]. It is known that Walther Bauersfeld built the first geodetic dome in Jena, more than 25 years prior to Fuller . The real historical and theoretical significance of the first geodesic dome however is still largely unknown: Bauersfeld significantly contributed to the optimization of the tessellation of the geodesic domes. In the history of geodesic domes there are also white spots, such as Ginzburg’s theoretical writing published in Russian in the 1930s [3] . The topic of the TDK is the processing of this material, with the related literature survey. Russian language skills and an interest in geometry are advantages, specific structural skills are not a prerequisite.