Dr. Dezső Hegyi
associate professor, head of dept.
Room: K.261.
t: 463-231
Dr. Dezső Hegyi
CV - Dr. Dezső Hegyi
Studies, Jobs:
- 2012-2013 CALTECH, Graduate School of Aerospace, Space Structure Laboratory, visiting associate
- 2011- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Strength and Structural Engineering, Associate Professor
- 2006-2011 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Strength and Structural Engineering, assistant professor
- 2002-2006 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Strength and Structural Engineering, assistant professor
- 1999-2002 Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Strength and Structural Engineering, PhD student
- 1996-1999 Budapest University of Technology, Department of Strength and Structural Engineering, demonstrator
- 1994-1999 Budapest University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture, student
- 1990-1994 Ócsa, János Bólyai High School, student
Scientific degree:
- 2006. PhD dissertation: Nonlinear examination of tarpaulin structures by numerical and experimental methods (BME Faculty of Architecture, supervisor Dr. Istvan Cheesy)
Prizes, Scholarships, study visits:
- 2012-2013 CALTECH, Graduate School of Aerospace, Space Structure Laboratory, visiting associate
- 2011. Young Engineer Special Award, MMK, FiSt
- 2009. Eindhoven (Netherlands), Workshop on Advanced Architectural Structures, 1 week
- 2000. Genoa (Italy), International Advanced School on Wind-excited and Aeroelastic Vibrations of Structures, 2 weeks
- 1999-2000 Hurghada (Egypt), International Airport expansion works (tent construction, design, management, interpretation), 3 months
- 1999 Complex Plan II. Prize (Public Building Construction Co.)
- 1998-1999 Republic Scholarship
- 1997. Cervia (Italy), Environmental School, 2 weeks
- 1997. Dublin, University College of Dublin, semester transfer (TEMPUS programme), 3 months
- exercises: Introduction to structural design, Statics, Strength I., Strength II. Design of reinforced concrete structures, Steel structures, Wooden structures, Supporting structures
- consultation: complex planning, diploma planning
- lectures: Design of supporting structures 4., 6. and additional training, Special supporting structures
- rigour: Design of supporting structures Coordination of rigour
- English language training: Steel Structures exercises and lectures, Timber Structures exercises, Structural Systems lectures, Special Load-bearing Structures lectures
- other: diploma assessments for candidates of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
- participation in the diploma committees of the Faculty of Architecture
- specialist engineer: responsible for the Structural Reconstruction Training
- Course 2010: Earthquake protection of brick structures according to EC6 and EC8
- Aids: Study Aid for Steel Structures, 2005-2007. Andrew Sipos
- Study Aid for Timber Structures, 2005-2007. Andrew Sipos
- Steel structures sample library, 2010. ed. Sandor Fernezelyi
- Topics: toning of tarpaulin structures, deformations of technical textiles under two-way load, slow deformation of tarpaulin materials, nonlinear numerical processes, optical deformation measurement
- 2012. Bálint Füzesi: Engineering detail solutions for stretched membrane structures, virtual node collection (2nd prize)
- 2011. Bálint Füzesi: Nodes for support of membrane structures (2nd prize)
- 2011. Esther White: Wrinkles of tarpaulin structures (2nd prize)
- 2009. Anna Flora nagy and Dávid Szalay: Examination of brick masonry in a 19th-century building (3rd prize)
- 2008. Anna Flóra Nagy: Examination of brick masonry of an existing 19th-century building according to the Hungarian Standard and Eurocode (Pál Csonka III Award)
- 2007. Anikó Juhász: Formation of water lenses on roofs (praise)
- 2004. István Tajta: Face to madness, tensegrity structures in the light of experiments (2nd prize)
- OTKA: 2007-2011. Geometric and nonlinear mechanical modelling of 3D textile structures, supervisor Mihály Vas László, Department of Polymer Technology
Membership of the Chamber:
- 2011- Hungarian Chamber of Architects, Architect Designer
- 2009- Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, Structural Expert
- 2006- Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, Structural Designer
- 2001- Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, Structural Designer, limited
- 2001- Hungarian Chamber of Architects, Architect Designer, limited
Public activity:
- 2011. Delegate of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers to the National Building Forum Committee
- 2010- Member of the Young Static Section (MMK)
- 2007- Chairman of the BME Faculty Credit Transfer Committee
- 2006-2009. BME Faculty Council elected member
- 2007- Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- 2005- Departmental TDK and demonstrator responsible
- 1998-1999 Member of BME ESTONIA Student Representation
- 1996-1999 Member of the College Committee of Bercsényi College